Mission and Values

There are three core values that guide our mission at Calvary Church

Our Mission + Values

We exist to bring glory to God and make disciples through gospel centered worship, community, and service.


We worship in oneness.

We worship on the Lord's day.

We worship as a way of life.


We connect as the Body of Christ through baptism.

We connect through spiritual practices such as worship, giving, and communion.

We connect in groups for accountability and discipleship.


We serve the Family - Christian service begins in the home.

We serve the Church - spiritual and practical engagement through the local church.

We serve the World - as 'salt and light' we are committed to making a difference around us.

"Every believer is called to a life of service in a local Bible-believing church. God has gifted every believer with gifts to serve the family, the Church, and impact the world."