About Us

Who we are & Where we're headed

Who we are.

Calvary Church is a growing Christian community with a rich history in Pentecostalism. We are a Bible-based, Spirit-filled community that impacts both the secular and the sacred spaces of life. Our church is autonomous, meaning it is not affiliated with any denomination.

Our objective is simple: We exist to bring glory to God and make disciples through gospel centered worship, community, and service. This mission is lived out through our three core values: Worship, Connect, Serve. Those values are the filter that everything we do flows through.

What to expect.

Arriving at the Church

You will quickly realize that we have a parking 'situation.' The majority of our parking is curbside; there is a small lot on the south side of the building, but it fills up fast. There is a section of the curb in front of the building marked for guests - if this is your first time checking out Calvary Church, feel free to slip into one of those spots.

Have kids?

There will be a safe, clean, and fun environment for your child(ren) to experience after Family Worship. Between 10:15-10:30, get your kids checked in at the Kids Ministry area in the back of the auditorium. If it is your first time with us, we would love to give you a quick tour and introduce you to a Kids Min volunteer. Once the worship portion of service has ended, there will be a dismissal announcement on the screens letting you know when to have your kids head to class.

Service starts

The Sunday morning worship service starts at 10:30. The length of service will be between 75-90 minutes. This involves an opening (prayer and scripture reading), 3-4 songs, preaching, and closing worship and prayer. We end with a Final Act of Worship - this is our opportunity for those who call Calvary Church 'home' to return our Tithe and/or bring an Offering. Every First Sunday of the month, we receive Communion together during the worship service. We encourage all baptized Believers to join us in this sacred time of remembering and rejoicing.

What to wear

There is no set dress code for attending worship. You will see everything from casual to business casual to some dressy. We are simply thrilled that you would choose to gather with us and want everyone to get connected and experience the life-giving power of Jesus.

Is there a place for me?

Yes! Whether you are new to church, have been a Christian for many years, or are looking for a fresh start, you’re welcome here. Wherever you're at in your faith journey, you'll find Calvary Church to be a place of grace where you can discover, encounter, and experience the life-giving power of Jesus.

There is place for you to participate in the mission of The Church, the vision of the local church, and build friendships that will enrich your life.

If you want to learn more about our beliefs as a church or if you'd simply like to get in touch with a person on our lead team directly, click the button below.

Service Schedule

Sundays 10:30AM

  • First Sunday we receive Communion together during morning worship

Wednesday 7:00PM

  • Worship & Discipleship
  • CC Youth Ministry

"We are a church small enough to where you can be known and growing enough where you can meet someone new."

-Pastor Chad Townsley